KISC Family Camping Trip – 8-10.07.2020
On the 8th of July, the younger members of troop 77 and their families headed to KISC to set up camp for 2 nights so…

Troop for Girls Inaugurated
Today our Sister Troop, Troop 77 G, officially launched today. Following the Scouts BSA program, our first patrol, the Bonfires, will be led by Scoutmaster…

Troop 77 achieves Gold Status and 100% Boys Life Subscriptions
Troop 77 is proud to announce that they have achieved Gold Status and 100% Boys Life Subscriptions!

Hike to La Dôle – 31.05.2020
On the 31st May 2020, Troop 77, Geneva Scouts and families together with siblings from Cub Scouts Pack 130 came together for our first post-lockdown…

Hike to La Dole and Virtual Campfire – 30-31.05.2020
Our bilingual English-French BSA Troop is planning its first post-confinement face-to-face event this weekend, up to the summit of La Dôle. For this first hike,…

Troop 77 Covid-19 & Recruitment
There have been a lot of changes in the Scouting world since everything came to a grinding halt mid-March here in Switzerland and France Voisine.…

Kandersteg Klondike Derby – 17-19.01.2020
Troop 77 wins the Klondike Derby and earns an award for best Scout Spirit! Full Blog coming soon!

Leysin Thanksgiving – 23-24.11.2019
On Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th November, Troop 77 had its fun-filled annual Thanksgiving Weekend, in Leysin. Most Scouts and parents left Geneva in the…

Tree Planting – 17.11.2019
On Sunday 17th November 2019, Troop 77 and Cubs from Pack 130 were involved in a joint Sustainability Project. The goal (which was the idea…

Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby – 09.11.2019
On Saturday the 9th of November, Pack 130 had their annual Pinewood Derby, where Cub Scouts have to design and build wooden cars, and race…