About us
Troop 77 is Switzerland’s oldest existing BSA Troop, in fact, we were the first BSA Troop in Geneva!
Troop 77 has been an active member of the Community in Geneva since at least 1969. For over 50 years, we have been preparing youth (age 11-17) in Geneva to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law through the experiences of camping, hiking, teamwork, and community service. Since 1975, we have helped over 60 youth achieve the rank of Eagle and even more have earned their Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class, Star or Life Ranks. With this established history, in 2020, we decided to found a Troop just for girls, which will work alongside the Boy Troop.
We are part of the Transatlantic Council (TAC) and we are chartered (sponsored) by the Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Geneva. Troop 77 meets fortnightly on Tuesday evenings – 7:00pm at the Collège du Léman, Versoix. We also meet occasionally at other outdoor locations.
Troop 77 is a SCOUT-led Troop!
Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the World Scout Movement, once said that a Scoutmaster should “never do anything a boy cannot do.” This is a statement that we take very seriously. Our entire program is run with Baden-Powell’s admonition in mind! Our Scouts plan and execute the program with only guidance from parents and other adults (called Scouters).
Troop 77 features monthly camp-outs and several “high-adventure” activities such as multiple-day canoe/kayak and backpacking trips. We are also active in the community.
Please feel free to explore our site and learn more about our program, start by reading our posts, our FAQ pages, taking a look at our calendar, or visiting our facebook page. And if you are convinced you want your family to join, come out to a recruitment event or contact us!
Are your kids between the ages of 5-11?
They can join the BSA’s Cub Scout program.
Visit Pack 130 Geneva’s Website.
Tuesdays don’t work for you?
Try Troop 130 Geneva.