7-8 October 2023 – Samoens Campout

This year, we introduced the Samoëns Campout, from 7-8 October, as a new and exciting activity for our scouts. The adventure began with carpooling to the picturesque campsite in Samoëns. On Saturday, scouts had the choice between the preselected canyoning and rock climbing. Additionally, they worked on their advancements. The evening program featured a memorable hike. On Sunday, there was a planned hike to Samoëns.
My favorite activity during Samoëns campout was doing advancements. I managed to finish all the stuff I needed to become a 2nd class scout. We also learned first aid, like what to do when you get something in your eye. We also went on this cool walk to a waterfall and took awesome pictures. Even though I’m scared of heights, I tried rock climbing. I got all the way up to 20 meters! It didn’t exactly cure my fear, so I’m not sure if I’ll do it again. I was also in charge of my own tent for the first time. I was pretty proud of setting it up, but I need more practice taking it down for the next campout.
Unfortunately there was this big party of Oktoberfest, pretty close by our campsite, and it was super loud, so I couldn’t sleep. That was a bit of a problem. But you know what’s the absolute best about campouts? Having fun with my friends from scouting and learning new stuff. It’s the coolest!
Jens N. (Second Class)

Our older scouts belong to a special Venturing Crew in Troop 77, focusing on high-adventure activities. These scouts hiked to “(name)” before sleeping in a hut on the top. The entire troop reunited before departing for Geneva, arriving in the mid-afternoon.