FAQ – Parent Involvement
I am sure you have all heard this before, but Scouting isn’t just for Boys and Girls! Scouting is for Families! Brothers, Sisters, Parents, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, everyone can help a Scout to enjoy his scouting experience and if he so wishes, advance through the ranks to become an Eagle Scout.
Whether as an active family or volunteer, your participation is crucial!
Not sure how to participate? Take a look at the volunteer roles below!
BSA has also published a book, called “Growing Up Right, Growing Up Strong – Parents, Kids & Scouting.” Available in pdf, it includes chapters on how simply being a kid is vastly different today than it was 30 years ago, or even 10 years ago. It also includes chapters which explain what Scouting does for kids, what Scouting does for Parents and Families and a chapter on what Parents can do for Scouting.
I wasn’t a Scout as a boy, can I be a Scout Leader?
Can I attend camp with my son?
Other than high-adventure bases like Philmont or Sea Base, where
adults are required to be BSA Registered Leaders, there is nothing in
the BSA Program that prevents parents or legal guardians from attending
camping trips with their sons. The Guide to Safe Scouting says, “There
are NO ‘secret societies’ in Scouting.
An adult may attend any scout function with their son”.
THAT BEING SAID… there are some guidelines visiting parents are expected to follow.
- Scouting’s “Youth Protection” guidelines MUST be followed. Registered leaders can explain these to you if you are not already familiar with them.
- Part of what you son is supposed to be experiencing at camp is becoming a functioning member of his patrol. Therefore, he WILL sleep with his patrol, eat with his patrol, do KP (Kitchen Patrol) duties with his patrol, and perform campfire skits with his patrol. You may watch and advise… but LET HIM “do”.
- Attending parents will eat, tent, and in all other ways, “function” among the attending adults. Expect to be “put to work” over the weekend.
- Smoking, chewing tobacco, alcohol, profanity and the like are NOT welcome in Scouting. We expect (and at BSA camp grounds it is required) that you do not smoke at Scouting events. If you feel that you “must” smoke, you are expected to not be in view of any Scouts (our troop or other).
- Do not expect your son to sleep in your tent. While it is “technically” allowed under BSA Youth Protection, it impedes his development as a self-reliant Scout and the cohesion of his Patrol. We STRONGLY discourage any attempts to bunk with your son.
- Siblings are not welcome to remain at over night excursions, the only exception being 2nd Year WEBELOS scouts, who are actually encouraged to begin interacting with a Boy Scout troops (if our camping agenda is appropriate for WEBELOS-aged boys.).
- Non-legal guardians (boy/girl friends of single parents) are not to remain over-night at camping excursions.
- Adults who plan to attend camp MUST inform the Scout Master one week ahead of time (indicate attendance on the Permission Slip).
How can I participate more?
The Boy Scout Handbook does an EXCELLENT job explaining the BSA Program.
It also provides valuable skill instruction and has the potential
to IGNITE dreams of adventure, exploration, and fun for boys of all
backgrounds and abilities…. all of which are POSSIBLE in this troop!
“I’m bored” are the two words NO Scout has a right to say, as we are determined to help bring all their ideas into reality.
Spend time with your son each night (especially if he is new to
Scouting). Read the book with him. Quiz him on a skill, or “challenge”
him to a knot tieing contest. Ask him how he sees himself living up to
the Scout Law.
Don’t let Scouting be “One-hour a week” each Tuesday night, but a regular and routine part of every day.
Volunteer Common Tasks
Below you find a list of tasks which are commonly done by parents of Scouts in a typical Boy Scout Troop.
Many of the jobs involve a regular commitment and some even involve wearing a uniform, most of them are things that can be done in a person’s spare time – on weekends, evenings or even during a lunch break! Most importantly, all of these tasks are things which are a LOT of FUN!
Please take a look at the list – you are bound to find something that is right up your alley! When you do, please let the Scoutmaster our Committee or our Chartered Organization Representative know!