FAQ – Court of Honor
What is a Court of Honor?
A Court of Honor is a BSA awards ceremony, commonly held quarterly throughout the year.
At the Court of Honor, Scouts and their families gather for a formal recognition of advancement(s) and accomplishments that have been earned since the last Court of Honor. There are also periods for the Troop’s Committee Chairperson to speak to the state of the Troop, or for some other event such as Scouting’s annual Friends of Scouting campaign.
By ceremoniously recognizing the value of advancement and hard work, we hope to strengthen a boy’s motivation to continue being active within the Troop. The Court of Honor also gives parents/guardians valuable insight to accomplishments or Program happenings they may not see due to their lack of presence at the weekly meetings. As always, the goal is to ENCOURAGE, through positive reinforcement and praise.
Troop 77 holds its Courts of Honor at the Emmanuel Church, in Geneva, generally in December, again in the Spring, and in June.