FAQ – Basics
How big is Troop 77 and when does Troop 77 Meet ?
Troop 77 meets Tuesday evenings at the College du Léman Campus in Versoix.
Scouts are to wear their Class A uniform (see below) to Troop Meetings.
Once a month the Troop also organises other activities, such as campouts, hikes or other adventures. Class B shirts (see below) are often worn on these weekends instead of the full Class A uniform.
Troop 77 has over 30 Scouts (boys & girls) ranging in age from 11 to 17. These Scouts have split themselves into 3 patrols: The Vikings, The Snow leopards and the Marmottes. There are five uniformed leaders (one of which is an Eagle Scout himself) who are regular attendees at the weekly troop meetings, and numerous other adults registered as committee members and/or merit badge councilors, each committed to the well-being and growth of the Scouts.
Do scouts have to come to every meeting/event?
We certainly won’t send the “Scout Police” out to find you if you don’t show up, but you miss out on a big part of the BSA Program if you don’t attend regularly. Scouting is NOT just playtime, Scouting is a carefully crafted character-development & leadership program.
Each boy/girl is a member of a PATROL, and as such, is part of a smaller group (as compared to the whole Troop) where he or she is given AMPLE opportunity to play an active and valuable “hands on” role in the patrol’s success. A scout who shows up sporadically is DEPRIVED of the chance to make key decisions within his or her patrol; choose trip ideas and destinations, make menu selections, divvy out workload, and build close friendships. Every meeting includes a period of valuable skill instruction and fun inter-patrol competitions that relate to the upcoming camping trip or outing. If a scout misses a meeting, he or she will find themselves less prepared for the upcoming weekend in the outdoors. The troop meetings are where we “learn”, but the camping trip is where we reinforce the skills by putting them into practical use.
In short, Scouts should make every effort to attend meetings on a regular basis. Those who don’t are missing out on the full experience of their limited Scouting years, and are causing their patrol members to do the same.
What do “Scouts” do?
The Boy Scout Of America Program is over 100 years old, and is a professionally crafted program of education and character development. By using the “Outdoor Method” (camping, fishing, rock climbing, etc) the scouts work together to do the things they like to do. In the process, they learn the value of teamwork, honesty, communication, mutual respect, and more as they work towards their goal and overcome any obstacles they encounter. By employing the Methods of Scouting, we reinforce the AIMS of Scouting, which are reflected in our Oath and Law. The goal is to see that these become permanent fixtures in the character of each Scout as we teach them to be Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
What do Scouts wear, what is the “official” uniform?
Officially, the BSA has ONE uniform, and any historical version of it is acceptable (once official, always official). It is found in the front pages of every Scout Handbook.
The official BSA uniform is comprised of:
- a troop-issued hat
- a troop neckerchief
- BSA tan shirt (with patches placed in the proper spots)
- a Merit Badge Sash **
- BSA olive pants
- BSA web belt w/ buckle
- BSA socks
This is THE official uniform, but in many pieces of BSA literature it may be referred to as the FIELD uniform, or commonly, the “Class A”*.
We wear BSA tan shirt and the neckerchief bearing our logo is to be worn UNDER the collar with the top button of the shirt unbuttoned.
** The Merit Badge Sash, worn over the right shoulder, is impractical for most Scouting-related activities. It is therefore only worn at ceremonial events or select meetings such as a Court of Honor.
* It is not always practical to wear the Field Uniform shirt every minute a Scout is involved in a scouting-related activity. It is customary practice that when a troop (as a whole) agrees on a standard shirt, they will opt to wear it INSTEAD of the BSA Class A uniform. In many items of BSA literature, this will be referred to as an ACTIVITY uniform, or sticking with military nomenclature, “Class B”.
Troop 77’s Class B shirt is dark grey with a green Troop 77 logo on the front and can be purchased from the Troop.
Why do scouts wear a uniform?
Scouting’s founder, Lord Baden Powell realized long ago, that when people look the same (uniform), they not only show they are members of an organization, but being dressed the same ERASES all trace of “class” or “wealth” or “social status”.
In Scouting, all are equal and treat each other with respect. In doing so, we learn to look past class, income, race, religion, nationality, and social status.
Despite the attacks from some of Scouting’s detractors, there has never been a program so OPEN and SUPPORTIVE of diversity as Scouting. Considering this was taken into account in 1907, Lord Baden Powell was clearly a man ahead of his time.
How much does Scouting cost?
The Troop charges an annual fee of between CHF 300 and CHF 400 depending on the year’s budget (the fee for 2024 is CHF 380). One part of this fee covers the rechartering (registration) with the BSA, another part for our BSA Council (Trans-Atlantic Council) and the rest covers the cost of running the Troop. That is, new/replacement equipment (tents, stoves, cooking gear, propane tanks, etc.), rank badges and merit badges, adult/chaperone participation, insurance, etc. The cost for each scout’s first uniform (Class A dress shirt, Class B t-shirt, scarf, slide, merit badge sash, uniform insignia) and their scout book (replacements are charged at retail value) is charged separately.
For each monthly camping trip, there is a modest “food fee” to cover the purchase. Each patrol creates their own menu for the monthly camping trip and can decide to raise or lower this fee to be aligned with their menu choices. TYPICALLY, this is CHF15-20 per scout per month.
For each activity, there is also an “Activity Fee” which helps to pay for the scout’s registration, a professional guide (if necessary), campground fees, and more. It usually is NOT enough for all expenses.
Finally, there is a fee for special events, such as the Summer Camp (often Camp Alpine at Kandersteg). This week-long Summer Camp is a great experience and we encourage Scouts to attend every year. Please start saving for this NOW so that Camp is not a “financial burden” when payment is due (usually Spring of each year).