December 2024 – Court of Honour

Written by Sebastien Burgess (Life Scout; Webmaster)
On 6 December 2024, we held our biannual Court of Honour, or CoH, at Emmanuel Episcopal Church (GE), our Chartered Organisation.
In the Scouts BSA programme, there are four major stages of advancement: first, we learn a skill, then we’re tested to see if the requirement can be signed off. Following this, we’re reviewed at a Board of Review, which grants us the rank in question, and lastly, we’re recognised. This fourth stage is what the CoH serves to do. Every six months, we meet to be recognised of our latest achievements, be they ranks, merit badges, or even awards!
This year was no exception; having had an active last few months, we were exceedingly numerous in our earning of awards, merit badges, and ranks.
Perhaps most special of all, we held an Eagle Scout Ceremony for Louis Forman and Benjamin Malmberg, who have recently earned the prestigious Eagle Scout Rank.
The evening concluded with a convivial dinner and recent events presentation upstairs.
Well done to everyone who was recognised last night, and have a great end of year!